Message from the
Caucus Chair
Residents of District 109:
Hello everyone! If you’ve stumbled across this message, chances are you are one of the many members of the Deerfield community with a keen interest in the DPS109 school board. It’s wonderful people are seeking information and looking to be part of the process.
Thanks so much for your interest in the Caucus. This is my fourth cycle, and for the past eight years, I have found the DPS 109 Caucus to be a welcoming and diverse group, as well as a vital part of maintaining high standards at DPS 109 schools.
The DPS 109 School Board Caucus is proudly non-partisan, and as a collective, we don't endorse specific issues. Our goal is to achieve a balance that represents ALL community stakeholders. While Caucus members aren't required to set aside their personal feelings, we encourage an open-minded approach and respectful consideration of everyone's opinions. These principles form the foundation of the caucus, and it's a source of pride for me to be a part of this inclusive community.
If you are looking for a low commitment, but impactful way to get involved with the community and give back, look no further than the DPS 109 Caucus. Each cycle rewards members with vigorous, but civil debate, greater connection with your neighbors, and better outcomes for our children.
Adam Zadikoff
Caucus Chair, 2024-2025
January 2024