Ryan Kuo
Caucus Endorsed
“I want to serve the community, and I believe this is the best place to do it," Ryan says.
"While my primary desire (and motivation) is to ensure that the District continues to provide top notch education, I also understand that there is an additional benefit that must be balanced for those residents in the District that do not have children attending our schools. Balancing their tax contributions through effective oversight of District finances, while ensuring the top performance possible ensures that the property values, and attractiveness of new construction continues to increase."
Ryan Kuo is a parent of three who has lived in Deerfield for more than 9 years. Ryan and his wife are parents of three DPS students, Collin (11, Shepard), Rylee (9, Walden), and Reed (6, Walden)
Ryan is currently Chairman and President of Funky Chunky, a chocolate gifting company. Ryan previously held roles in the United States Army, with Honeywell International and Kraft Foods. As a combat veteran of the United States Army, Ryan has a deep commitment to service to both the country and his community. With that sense of service he applied and was appointed to the Board of Education for DPS109 in 2017 and was elected to his first full term in 2019.
During his time on the Board of Education, Ryan has served as the Chair of both the Finance and Facilities Development Committees as well as spent significant time working to ensure our schools returned back to in-person learning during the height of the pandemic.